Steal my girl

For those of you who were worried about me not having posted over the last couple of days, you will be glad to hear that I am still alive.  And many thanks for the concern. For those of you who didn’t even notice my absence, thanks. For nothing.

I was a victim of crime. Albeit only a minor victim as there was no bodily harm or extensive damage to my psyche.  Some despicable degenerate of society broke into my car whilst I was having lunch with a few colleagues on a business trip. Him/her/they/it stole my laptop bag which coincidentally, also contained a laptop and some headphones.  Oh, and my passport.  This implied a limited exposure to blogging over the weekend and a restriction on my travelling.

Any traveling businessman will tell you how important a laptop is.  That piece of electronic equipment is a life-saver, a companion, a good listener. It’s like I have a second wife keeping me company during long flights and lonely hours.

I’m fine and will survive another day as soon as I have completed the five stages of grief, with the help of my counsillor, Mr Jack Daniels. Somewhere out there is an idiot with no regards for another person’s personal stuff.

He though it a good idea to Steal my girl as sung by One Direction.

I hope whoever took her gets bunions in their arse.