
It’s my last night after a two week stint on foreign soil.  I’m having to get up at 03h30 AM later this evening to start the journey home.  It might be a miserable hour to do anything but you know what is an odd thing?

I’m Happy, as sung by Pharrell Williams, cause I’m heading home.

Being that it is going to be a full day of travel for me don’t expect a post tomorrow.  I might not be in the mood to post anything remotely happy.  Travelling does that to a person, it sucks the humour right out of your soul.  Which is why we need to replace it with red wine when you’re sitting on a plane waiting for time to fly by.  Just saying.  Besides wireless devices should be turned off when you are cruising 34,000 feet above the Indian Ocean and that limits blogging opportunity severely.


Yesterday was a big surprise.  My nervous anticipation was flipped into wondrous support.  The meeting went SO much better than I expected.  I have to admit there were moments when I wanted to shove my fist up the nose of the dickhead who caused my initial anxiety, but I’m not even a violent person.  A lesser human would have killed him.  Slowly.  Skinned him alive.

Me, being me, managed to restrain my frustration and anger to turning red and fuming profusely.

As I mentioned, the day turned out a LOT better than I initially expected, especially in that specific moment when he got cut down a size.  And because of that and the fact that it’s Friday! I’m sharing “Happy” as performed by Pharrel Williams.